From time to time in my adventures, as I read the letters and articles of people on this website and elsewhere, I come across references to the “true church”. When my eyes were first wrenched open by the unassailable facts of corruption at all levels of the Worldwide Church of God, almost the first question that entered my mind was: “If this isn’t the true church of God, then where is it?”
Does God Work Though An Organization?
Is it possible that God communicates certain things to us individually and other things through an approved organization which acts in the role of a prophet?
The Family
Some years ago, I was conversing with a fellow single man during the feast of tabernacles in Anchorage, Alaska. I was planning to take a drive through the magnificent Alaska scenery to see the Matunuska Glacier. I knew his second tithe funds were running low, and I asked him if he would like to come along.
Segregation Without Discrimination
The rantings of Garner Ted Armstrong on the American Negro. Those of his generation surely had another view that reaches back to a time within the deep South.
Most of us have been lied to all our lives. While this avalanche of misinformation – and usually about God and religion – may have unintentionally come from parents, friends, and relatives, it’s usually a little more sinister when it deliberately comes from outside our families. Politicians lie, religious leaders lie, the news media lies, oil companies always lie, and in Sho-Biz, it seems no one ever tells the truth. Continue reading “Apollonius”
An open letter to Pastor General Joe Tkach Jr
P.O. Box 70012, Nashville, Tennessee 37207, USA. (615) 672-0178.
Saturday, May 11, 1996
To Pastor General Joseph Tkach,
Worldwide Church of God, 300 West Green Street, Pasadena, California 91129.
Continue reading “An open letter to Pastor General Joe Tkach Jr”